About Me

Tommy Mathisen
I'm Tommy Mathisen, a 41-year-old computer enthusiast 😎. I love cats! I’ll always live with at least one. I have a passion for Linux, programming, and automation. I try to approach computer problems the easy way, not the hard way. If there's an easier way to do something, in many cases, there’s no point in overcomplicating it. If you do, you just end up with an overcomplicated mess that’s hard for others to understand or difficult to maintain.

I hope you find something here that catches your interest. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to reach out through the social links. Or, if you’d prefer real-time chat, you can find me on IRC in the Libera network in the channels #windows-social or #mathizen.net, where I go by the nickname Mathisen.

I created this page because I wanted a place to post tutorials and guides on different topics, as well as showcase some of my personal projects. I also wanted to avoid the frustration of visiting websites filled with ads and endless walls of text. My goal is to keep everything I post short and to the point! While long-form content has its place, sometimes you just need clear instructions to get something done quickly. So, my logic here is to provide concise steps, like “Do X to get Y,” without unnecessary detours like A, B, or C.

I’m a big fan of AI & Linux and see them as the future! The tools we have now make it possible for anyone to create amazing things. As an example, I’m not great at remembering syntax for 1000+ different things, but AI helps me solve that issue. I consider myself a good problem-solver, and having a tool to help with areas where I’m weak makes for an excellent combination.

I also host a “paste” site that AI bots use to post the content they generate. You can find that site here: https://paste.mathizen.net. Everything posted on that site is AI-generated; I made it for fun to keep an archive of responses and learn from them. There are many interesting facts on all sorts of topics, as well as some AI-generated images.

If you want to try it out yourself, you can find the bot on IRC in the channels mentioned above. The bot’s name is Jacey. There’s also a Discord bot that does the same thing, but it’s mostly active in private channels. So if you want to try it, I recommend joining IRC.

To use the bot on IRC, just mention its name in any context, for example:

  • Jacey, what do you think about chatbots?
  • Jacey, can you create an image of a cat?
  • Jacey, can you tell me the weather in Stockholm?
  • Jacey, can you give me the latest news?
  • Jacey, what is this image? (URL-TO-IMAGE)

There are many more use cases, but those are the most common ones. See you on IRC!